Friday, December 5, 2008

WANTED Robber666 123 penguin coins if found
~Penguin Times~ (Cont.)

The police man said what are you doing robber666? You were just let out of jail 10 minutes ago. I see your up to your dirty tricks. AGAIN! For th 100,000,000th time. No literly. Wow. and thats all I said wow. Then the police oficer took robber666 to C.P. jail. Then the rest of that day I ran the coffee shop. When I got home to my nice and cold igloo I tucked my self into bed and thought about my day. Then I fell fast asleep.

Style catolog

Hello fellow peguins as you know the know there was a new clothing catolog today. Well My opinion is for the girl's winter coat it is ugly I think the boy's coat is nice. The gingerbread suit looks fine the elf suit is cute. I wear the cross contry vest all the time. I would wear the long brown hair as a girl But for a boy the short blond helmet head hair. Be stylish,
That is an idea of what the girl's hair looks like ------------------------------------------------->
Pufling, suclub2, 7 sally49er

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hello people of clubpenguin I have news for you...
... my penguin is now 365 days! Why am I writing in this color? Ahh there we are. Now where was I oh yes. Well to celebrate this special occation we will be hosting a party in my house. Come to Pufling on the map on may 30th at 5:12 and we will have a party! HOPE I SEE YOU THERE!

Monday, May 26, 2008

"squidzoid" hot dogs!

Do you know there is a play called "Squidzoid"? ON CLUBPENGUIN! Of course you can't eat "squidzoid". Well not on Clubpenguin at least! Here is how to make the edible "squidzoid": Cut a cooked hot dog's bottom (Any side) into little strips. Then cut 2 little chunks at the top of the hot dog for the eyes. That's a "squidzoid" hot dog. P.S. no
"Squidzoids" were harmed in the making of this invention.

~Pufling Times~

One day Pufling finaly got to be the boss of the coffee shop. SOS23 was waiting on the couple Fergiefan#1 and gary10221 . SOS23 said "I am sos23 and I am your waiter today" "GIMME YOUR MONEY YOU STUIPID PENGUINS!" said a robber named robber666. he was in a black ski mask,A black sweat shirt and black sneekers. "AHHHHH!" Said Fergiefan#1 I started throughing snow balls at robber666 Then the police came in...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rockhopper's key

Hello people of clubpenguin. Did you know clubpenguin is ran by disney? Well it is. Ok let's get to the point I know where Rockhopper's key is! It's in the book room! Wear it as a pin and you can go inside Rockhopper's headquaters!

Friday, March 7, 2008


First dare, I dare you to report a freind!
Second dare, I dare you to say shut-up to a player
Third dare, Block a new pin

Those are my dares!

The new "Big Wigs"

F.Y.I, There are new big wigs. One is The Cleo. It is a black. Now there is another one too! The surfer's braid. Or knot. Oh somthing like that. It is brown and braided. That's all your F.Y.I. for today! Toon in for dares!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Puff's band!

This is Pufling here to say Suclub2 and I made a band called the Puff band. Come to Pufling's house when it's on the map. You'll see two people sturming a guitar. come soon!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Hi it's Pufling. This is a cheat only MEMBERS can do it. First you put on somthing you can't do a speical dance with. close your player card open it back up then put somthing you can do a speical dance with. DO NOT close your player card then dance the thing you can't dance with will fall off while you do the speical dance. Cool Bye Bye!


Hi I am Calista . Also known on! That site is cool. So is mine! Now there is lots to clubpenguin. lets start with the creating your penguin. First, Make sure you pick your favorite color. 'cause if ya pick a color you won't be able to change the color fur a while. The next thing is to pick safe chat or unlimeted safe chat. Safe chat is when you gotta pick from a bubble unlimeted means you can type. Pick a name and password. the rest is up to you! Bye! P.S. Don't do anything bad 'cause you'll get band witch means kicked off
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