Thursday, November 4, 2010

I know, this website's awesome. But I'll tell you one thing. I am closing it. I mean not making it compleatly vanish, but I'm going to create a whole new blog... :( bye... I LOVE YOU! IT'S SO HARD TO LEAVE! I know, I'm not really cryin. Typing here on my giant computer. I am not a geek. At least not looking like one. Right now. Back to the subject. I have had you since I was in my single digits. It's deffinetly hard to say goodbye. BYE! Omg, it's so hard to leave. I LOVE YOU! OMG I LOVE YOU! SO MUCH! DON'T LEAVE ME! WAIT! I'm acting like a complete moron. Okay, you probaly think I'm a maniac sitting here. Typing rants about somthing way out in cyberspace.... But, I love you, blog. I won't desert you completly. I'll type on you sometimes. Every other Wedensday on a full moon when yhe pigs go out for a movie, and then for a nice fly throught Southeast Asia when there's a end to obesity in America. See? I won't leave you forever! Love you SO MUCH! *Sniff* GOODBYE! LOVE YOU! GOOD... BYE!!
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